When planning the installation of a sprinkler system, it’s important to take several things into consideration: the area you need to cover, your budget, local legal codes, and the type of garden you have.
??Decide how much of your yard needs irrigation beyond normal rainfall. Lawns are probably the biggest water hogs. Vegetables and flowers need constant moisture during the growing season. Shrubs and trees with deeper roots can get by with less frequent watering. You can irrigate all of these plants with the same system, set at different intervals and employing various types of sprinkler heads.
??For flat ground and very absorbent soils like sand, a spray sprinkler system may be the best choice. These are available in pop-up models, which come out of the ground at preset times, and fixed models, which are permanently attached to pipes. A rotor head sprinkler system is similar, except that it rotates, which allows for a better distribution of water. It can also reach farther away, so you won’t need to install as much piping.
??Irrigation Sprinklers are used on farms, golf courses, residential yards, and other places to water crops, lawns, gardens or other plants in the event of drought. They are also used for recreation or as a cooling system.
??Fire sprinklers are an active fire protection measure subject to stringent bounding. They are connected to a fire suppression system that consists of overhead pipes fitted with sprinkler heads throughout the coverage area. Fire sprinkler systems for high-rises are usually also equipped with a fire pump, and a jockey pump and are tied into the fire alarm system.
??Although historically only used in factories and large commercial buildings, home and small building systems are now available at a relatively cost-effective price. A sprinkler system that is not buried has to be blown out with compressed air at the beginning of each winter to prevent the pipes from freezing and bursting. If you live in a cold area, it is a good idea to invest in an underground sprinkler system to prevent problems with frost and to save money in the long run.
??Look into drip or micro-irrigation systems (low volume, low pressure), which work very effectively in flower and vegetable beds that change from year to year. Drip-system kits, starting at Rs 1000 or so, are easy to install; use underground emitters that drip slowly or above-ground emitters that drip, mist or spray at a low-pressure rate. Use drip lines and emitters to water container plants, especially if you are often away from home during the growing season. You’ll find inexpensive kits designed for just this purpose.
Whatever you choose, make sure to ask lots of questions. The better prepared you are before making your purchase, the longer you will enjoy your sprinkler system without having to worry about problems.
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Vinay ChoubeySEO Managervinay@halfvalue.com ?