Tummy Tuck – Swelling Reduction Tips

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck is a surgical option used as a means to reduce skin and fat deposits found in the abdominal region. The procedure is performed by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon, and generally requires a period of at least six week in initial recovery time. While swelling is a normalaspect of the healing process, there are ways to reduce it throughout your recovery. In this article, we will outline a few tips and tricks to help you through.?

Step 1 ? Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. While you may think that the excess water intake will result inbloating and added water weight, the real problem is constipation. Most patients experience constipation due to the pain medications provided post-operation, adding to the swelling of the abdomen throughout the recovery. This can be helped by a daily intake of water.?

Step 2 ? Reduce yoursalt intake. Excess sodium results in bloating and water retention, most noticeably in the abdomen area. In order to avoid this, cut out fast food meals and other food items that are high in salt content, including chips, salted nuts, canned soups, and pretzels during the recovery process.?
<br/>Step 3 ? Exercise with caution. While you don?t want to strain your body, it won?t hurt to get up and off the couch every now and then. Start by talking around the block the first day you feel up to it, increasing your stride as you feel it appropriate. Refrain from jogging, crunches, orstretching, as such activities only increase swelling and elongate your recovery period.?

Step 4 ? Avoid caffeine. Caffeine only helps water retention, thus creating additional swelling. Take a break from all sodas, coffee drinks, and tea. Caffeine pills are also on the ?do not touch?list.?

Step 5 ? Treat yourself to a massage. Discuss whether a massage treatment is suitable to your condition with your surgeon. If you?ve had additional procedures alongside your tummy tuck, it may be recommended that you partake in some other activity. If deemed appropriate, wait atleast two weeks into your recovery prior to scheduling an appointment. Be sure to discuss your condition with your masseuse in order to avoid aggravating your scars. Massages are a wonderful way to help increase blood flow and drainage of fluids that can build up post-surgery.?

Step 6 ?  Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your physician. Every operation is different, and you should be aware of the do?s and don?ts prior to taking part in any activity or extreme diet change.

Tummy tuck surgery after the procedure has to be treated carefully and with gentle care. For more information, visit?http://www.parkercenter.net.

10 Mistakes to Avoid for Dieting

Mistake #1: No strategy planning
The way ahead and deciding on the path as well as direction is extremely important in any aspect of life and weight loss is no different. Working out hard without a proper plan would never make the goal accessible. It is always better to carve out a strategythat includes a proper mixture of muscle building, core strengthening exercises and cardio among others.

Mistake #2: Setting non specific goals
Setting up of non-specific goals is certainly not a good idea, as you would never feel in control. Setting proper goals with all relateddetails help you measure the progress and take corrective actions as and when required. Instead of losing weight, your goal should include losing specific number of pounds in a fixed time frame.

Mistake #3: Ignoring the details
Identifying the strategy as well intangible goals arecertainly steps in the right direction; however, most do not value the fact that implementing the strategy in the right manner is also important in order to get to the desired goals. Every minute detail that can affect the outcome must be carefully considered. Questions including where to work out,